So, my computer decided to die on me. During the past few days it has gotten worse and worse, and it can't really stay on anymore without being constantly plugged in. So that basically means that I cannot move anywhere with it.
I cannot move anywhere with a laptop. A LAPTOP :D Yeah. To make matters worse, 20% of my screen is now "dead" due to some dead pixels who decided to also show up at the same time. I wonder what is next? Graphics card frying itself while the laptop is turned off on the way to repairs?
Anyhow, repairs take approximately 7-10 days, meaning it'll be a while before I can make more content. This will delay my schedule by a bit.
But fear not, for I've got you covered! (sorta). My dear friend Toxicgazeful ( has decided to help me out, and will be editing episode 6 for me. This means that episode 6 should be out in a timely fashion, leaving me with barely enough time to make episode 7 and release it after getting back my pc. Meanwhile I'll be active on social media and I will probably write a few blog posts here.
For now, I simply appreciate whoever takes their time reading all the shit I ramble on about. I know you are out there, and I hope you like what I do. If not, please do feel free to tip me off and maybe hand me a few pointers as to what I could improve.
Peace out!
Love, Blizzia.
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